Proposal And Concept Pitch


The Message and Metaphor

Concept that I used for the application is  like difference kind streets at little india Penang such as Market street, Chulia Street and King Street I will make my application and show what have at every  street that i stated above, what building at the and i will put the history in every street..Its like giving the audience what  they want to Penang's looks like .After visited Penang last week I have choose Little India as target place for this assignment.I am more focusing on the Chinese and Indian community at Little India.The reason is I will make the application is about the daily routine people in Little India especially Indian and Chinese at there.The message that I am try to convey to people that in Little Indian we can see many thing differents from other place like  transporting at there, the way their doing their trade and also the way the do their doing daily work.I hope what I am trying to convey here will make people realized that historical lifestyle in Penang is importance to make sure that the Penang state and Little India are still alive.

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