Monday, July 25, 2011

Mindmap & Background Research: Field Research

I'm doing my research about the Little India Penang, and as I know about the street around the Little India and the history of Little India.So I decide to make mind maps for the thing that I remember and and some of them is on the web.
The picture is not so sharp because I taking it with my hand phone, so I decide to give the original copy to the lecturer.

I maybe slip some of the importance thing about Little India so I will recheck it again :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mindmap & Background Research: Visual Gathering

I have capture come of scene at Little India at Penang as my researches and references.

Mindmap & Background Research: Precedent Studies

I have make some precedent studies about interactive application or website in internet.Some of them as at below.

The first interactive website or application that I saw is the nokia's one.This application you can play the phone around the big phone as show at picture.The application is about Nokia 3110 handphone.
to see more please go to :

Picture below show a picture of an application about mil.When I saw and interact with this application I said "Wow!, how they can do it in really smooth, it is really using flash?".
To see more please go to :

This website is about landscape, the creator of this application is really genius because he decide to give us with own choice how we want to make our landscape looks like.

For this website is about American Airline.This website is about how fell and look if you choosing high class or economic.What is different in the class you choose in the airplane will be telling in this website.

This website is Bad Luck O Meter.This about how safety you house should be.The application will guide you how to have a good and safety house.
To see more please go to :

This is a really interactive and useful for the tourist.It is because this website is giving the tourist direction and map and guide where the best place that they can go and the best place they can stay

Monday, July 18, 2011

Media Arts Project:Penang “Culture and Heritage”:

Main task for this last Project for Gamma 1 is to design an Interactive Information Design Application. For this project we need to choose one from 3 sub topic that have been given by lecturer which are:

1.Living Heritage
2:Culture and Life Style
3:Heritage Building ,Architecture and Environment.

I have choose the sub topic no 2 which is about Culture and lifestyle.The reason why i choose the topic no 2 because when I reached Penang ,I realized that culture and lifestyle in Penang is totally different from other state.Even this Penang state is already rise compare to 5 years ago but people in Penang would not forget about their old thing such as trading using rickshaw, bring a big lod just using motor and bicycle and also transport using ferries is still going on.

For the interactive application I will more focus to Indian and Chinese community in Penang.I realized that this two community is different from other community in Penang, they doing the daily life work using the old school way.

Montage Done.

Montage Title: 3 Races 1 Malaysia

Artist Statement:

The main purpose of doing this assignment is to make people know that racism
is not necessary for us.After they watch the montage I made for it they will realize that we need to avoid from being racism because if the racism happen to us peace in our country will straightly disappear . Thank You!

Storyboard for Montage

this is rough storyboard about my montage about racism

I will make like a video teaser which is will introduce 3 races which consist Malays, Chinese and Indian.When ever the picture show the malay's comity the song will change to Malay song and same will happens when Chinese picture shown the song will directly change to Chinese song .:)

Assigment 2: Montage

This montage is about my last mini project is about Racism in Malaysia

For this montage i need to do some kind like a teaser before people look to my final outcome of the mini project about the Racism.