Monday, July 18, 2011

Media Arts Project:Penang “Culture and Heritage”:

Main task for this last Project for Gamma 1 is to design an Interactive Information Design Application. For this project we need to choose one from 3 sub topic that have been given by lecturer which are:

1.Living Heritage
2:Culture and Life Style
3:Heritage Building ,Architecture and Environment.

I have choose the sub topic no 2 which is about Culture and lifestyle.The reason why i choose the topic no 2 because when I reached Penang ,I realized that culture and lifestyle in Penang is totally different from other state.Even this Penang state is already rise compare to 5 years ago but people in Penang would not forget about their old thing such as trading using rickshaw, bring a big lod just using motor and bicycle and also transport using ferries is still going on.

For the interactive application I will more focus to Indian and Chinese community in Penang.I realized that this two community is different from other community in Penang, they doing the daily life work using the old school way.

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