Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mindmap & Background Research: Precedent Studies

I have make some precedent studies about interactive application or website in internet.Some of them as at below.

The first interactive website or application that I saw is the nokia's one.This application you can play the phone around the big phone as show at picture.The application is about Nokia 3110 handphone.
to see more please go to :

Picture below show a picture of an application about mil.When I saw and interact with this application I said "Wow!, how they can do it in really smooth, it is really using flash?".
To see more please go to :

This website is about landscape, the creator of this application is really genius because he decide to give us with own choice how we want to make our landscape looks like.

For this website is about American Airline.This website is about how fell and look if you choosing high class or economic.What is different in the class you choose in the airplane will be telling in this website.

This website is Bad Luck O Meter.This about how safety you house should be.The application will guide you how to have a good and safety house.
To see more please go to :

This is a really interactive and useful for the tourist.It is because this website is giving the tourist direction and map and guide where the best place that they can go and the best place they can stay

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